Bio+Mine and Benguet PDRRMO Hold a 3-Day Disaster Preparedness Training for Sto. Niño Community

Marlon Suelto of the Bio+Mine team discusses geologic hazards and facilitates the participatory hazard mapping.

Tublay, Benguet – The Bio+Mine team, in partnership with the Benguet Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO), facilitated a 3-day training on disaster preparedness on 6-8 November 2023 at the Sto. Niño Child Development Center, Ambassador, Tublay. Originally planned to cater for the women of Sto. Niño, the training also saw men in attendance, among whom was Ambassador’s barangay captain, Sison Balawen. Bio+Mine team members who were present during various parts of the training were Abner Lawangen, Alleah Ananayo, Pamela Flyn Pisda, Marlon Suelto, Dr. Dennis Alonzo, and Dr. Irish Mae Dalona.

The participants with Abner Lawangen (front, rightmost) and Alleah Ananayo (front, second from left) of Bio+Mine’s Social Team.

The first day covered discussions about principles of disaster preparedness and then about basic life support for adults and infants. On the second day, the participants learned about geologic hazards, conditions in their locality that are capable of causing damage or loss of property or life, and then took part in participatory hazard mapping. On the final day, the participants developed and applied a community evacuation system.

DRRM equipment donated to the Sto. Niño community by the Bio+Mine project, here represented by Alleah Ananayo (rightmost) and Pamela Flyn Pisda (second from right).

To fully prepare the community in case of emergency, the Bio+Mine project donated Php 62,000 worth of spine boards with head immobilizer, triangular bandages, splints, kern mantle ropes, and emergency response kits for community use.