Concept note:
In celebration of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (https://www.iybssd2022.org/en/home/), NRCP Division VII is co-organizing a fireside chat in cooperation with the research team of Bio+Mines (https://bioplusmine.earth/). The fireside chat is an interactive discussion on how basic science or frontier research will play an important role in developing strategies for the reconstruction of supporting ecosystem services from the microbiome up, leading to sustainable agri-ecosystems for local communities while increasing the natural capital of legacy mines. For example, how such site (e.g., Sto Nino legacy mine in Benguet) be studied as a natural laboratory to reconstruct the ecosystem, inform the development of sustainable nature-positive bioremediation strategies, and support ongoing agricultural activities by the local community are some of the research questions that may arise in the discussion. Guests from Natural History Museum (e.g., Prof. Richard Herrington, https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/departments-and-staff/staff-directory/richard-herrington.html) and Imperial College London (e.g., Dr. Yves Plancherel, https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/y.plancherel ) will be invited for the interactive discussions which will be moderated by Dr. Dennis Alonzo of University of New South Wales (https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/dr-dennis-alonzo). Local researchers from De La Salle University and Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology will also join the discussion to share the insights and experience pertaining to the topic.
Time: December 7, 2022, 16:30 – 18:30 (GMT +8)
Platform: Zoom (DLSU Licensed Account), participants will be asked to register.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Contact person:
Dr. Arnel Beltran (arnel.beltran@dlsu.edu.ph)
NRCP Division VII Regular member
PH Bio+Mines Project Lead
Description of the Symposium:
This symposium will present a multidisciplinary and multi-criterion approach in rehabilitating a legacy mine aimed to mitigate the associated physical, chemical, environmental and social risks to generate a sustainable, economically viable ecosystem in the community. We will use our project, Biodiversity Positive Mining for the Net Zero Challenge (BioPosMine), as our case study, highlighting the five key areas of exploration to gather baseline data. All social, ecological, hydrological, geological and GIS data will be integrated to inform a strategy for the rehabilitation of Sto. Niño mine, leading to a full-scale system of interventions for the succeeding years. This site-specific system will be a model for wider implementation to other legacy and active mines worldwide.
Time frame: 1.5 hrs
Moderator: Dennis Alonzo
Opening remarks: Michael Angelo Promentilla
Part 1: The BioPosMine Project (10 minute-presentation)
Format: Panel Discussion
Presenter 1: Overview of the project – Richard Herrington
Presenter 2: Ecological – Mylah Tabelin
Presenter 3: Hydrological – Carlito Tabelin
Presenter 4: Geological – Robin Armstrong
Presenter 5: GIS – Yves Plancherel
Presenter 6: Social – Irish Mae Fernandez-Dalona
Presenter 7: Synthesis: BioPosMine’s advocacy – Aileen Orbecido
Part 2: Researching Legacy Mines: Practical Research Ideas
Format: Q and A
Wrap-up: Arnel Beltran
Speakers Details

Dr. Dennis Alonzo
University of New South Wales
School of Education
Assessment for Learning
Evaluation of Educational Programs
Teacher Development

Prof. Richard Herrington
The Natural History Museum
Behaviour of critical metals, focused on deep weathering processes in surface systems and cobalt and rare earth metals

Dr Mylah Villacorte-Tabelin
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Science and Mathematics
Developmental biology, genetics, biotechnology

Dr Carlito Tabelin
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Mine drainage management, fate and transport of inorganic pollutants, electrochemistry, tailings management, monitoring and remediation of polluted sites

Dr. Robin Armstrong
The Natural History Museum
Porphyry-style mineralisation; development of software techniques for X-ray CT textural characterisation of geological materials

Dr Yves Plancherel
Imperial College London, UK
Environmental change, Pollution modelling, use of earth observations and environmental security

Assoc. Prof. Irish Mae Fernandez-Dalona
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
English Department
Discourse Analysis, Cross-Cultural Communications, Sociolinguistics

Prof. Aileen H. Orbecido
De La Salle University – Manila
Chemical Engineering
AMD treatment, Water and Wastewater, Eco-toilet

Dr. Arnel B. Beltran
De La Salle University – Manila
Chemical Engineering
Membrane Technology, Wastewater, Material Engineering, Algal Carbon Sequestration, Electrolysis Disinfection

Dr. Michael Promentilla
De La Salle University – Manila Chemical Engineering Socio-Environmental Engineering, Multi-Criteria Analysis, Material Engineering